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The body can become a vehicle to that which is beyond body,

and sexual energy can become a spiritual force



These sessions work with the free flow of energy around the body to create states of altered consciousness

For best results, explore the expansive bodywork de-armouring series as an ideal preparatory stage for tantric bodywork

The techniques move along the meridian system, releasing tension along the way

 A blend of strong and softer strokes open up these channels and tease sensitivity to the lighter touches

The range of pressure and depth makes this a wonderful massage for health and balance as well as energetic expansion

There will also be time for stillness and non-contact to develop a sense for the energy flowing within you in those moments of awareness

This blend of BEING as well as DOING can allow you to experience yourself on both a physical and energetic level


We often overlook the simpler pleasures in life

Retrain your senses to unveil the divine lying within the ordinary,

discovering the power of an eroticism that is sourced within a space of warm-hearted and relaxed presence

The key here is to allow more depth of SENSITIVITY rather than chasing excessive stimulation
Enjoy the delicate aromas of essential oils and incense, the ethereal touch of light massage

Expand genital-focused sexuality into FULL BODY sexuality by re-wiring to include other EROGENOUS ZONES within your pleasure map

Explore the depths of pleasure available as you feel the connection deepening between your SEX and your HEART

These sessions assist to diverge from needing to chase peak experiences,

towards a sense of freedom in how you approach your sexual energy




If you wish, respectful and honouring INTIMATE TOUCH for health and vitality can be included in this full body massage session

With my support and guidance, you can experiment with TANTRIC TECHNIQUES to fully immerse yourself

into this unique style of bodywork

Depending upon your desired intention for each session, you might choose to experiment with such elements as:

- responding to touch with variations in your breath, body movement and allowing sound as three keys to energetically expanded states

- trying out pelvic rocking and the PC MUSCLE PUMP

- exploring conscious breath techniques

- seeing what it might feel like to pull energy up the 'inner flute' astral pathway between sex, heart and third eye centers

Mixing and matching these techniques can potentially allow an altered state of awareness in your massage experience


Included within tantric bodywork is coaching towards trying out:



BIG DRAW energy-gasm

as possible ways to end your experience and integrate the energies created throughout your body

Alternatively, you can request one of the below options for a deeper understanding of your sexual energy as life energy as you take a step further onto the tantric path and encounter the many possibilities available between energetic and physical pleasure



This involves one simple slow repeated touch on your sex, with the idea to encourage mindfulness

The stroke doesn't change or get faster over the 20-30minutes meditation time

After the meditation, there will be sufficient resting time to fully process the experience

The intention is to find aliveness from within the stillness rather than through stimulation, excitement and release



Allow yourself to be curious as to what lies 'beyond physical orgasm'

You will realize for yourself the different qualities of the FIRE (plus +) and WATER (minus -) poles in your sex

We will be in regular communication as to what touch you need to first recognize, and then balance, these two qualities of energy

The ritual concludes at the point of equilibrium between the two poles, coming into stillness, allowing the kundalini to rise into the brain to experience the meditative bliss that is offered through this altered state of consciousness

Notice the effect this can have on you in the following day after the session

Tantra offers the chance to learn how to live in high energetic states as a way of life



2,5hr session (massage time up to 90mins)

250 EUR

3hr session (massage time up to 120mins)

300 EUR

3,5hr session (massage time up to 150mins)

350 EUR


Be an adventurer and explore three approaches to experiencing yourself and your sexuality

This trilogy of approaches allows you to experience energetic sexuality in differing ways each time we meet


Starting with the TAOIST ENERGY MASSAGE, is a blend of strong and light touches to open up your meridians and tease sensitivity to the lighter touches

The massage finishes with a meditation involving one repeated touch on the YONI or LINGAM

After the meditation, there will be sufficient resting time to fully process the experience

No further intimate massage is provided in this session as the intention is to find aliveness from within the stillness rather than through stimulation, excitement and release


In AWAKENING THE SENSES, we go further into sensitive touch, this time opening your awareness to the sensuality of your body

Explore the depths of pleasure available by expanding out of genital based sexuality into full body exploration

Enjoy an extended YONI OR LINGAM MASSAGE to honour you in your totality and ride the waves of pleasure wherever they take you


The final offering, EXTENDED SPIRITUAL ORGASM, brings you into contact with the two opposing poles within your sexuality as we stay in communication to look for the balancing point between them in high arousal - from which you can fly through the portal into a new space of heightened awareness meeting the divine

Notice the effect this can have on you in the following day after the session

Tantra offers the chance to learn how to live in high energetic states. Allow yourself to be curious as to what lies 'beyond orgasm'

3 x 2,5hr sessions

750 EUR



Tantric Bodywork is an experiential learning session blending sex coaching with tantra massage techniques

Please kindly note that:

- there is no specific focus on gratification or physical release in these sessions

- I am always fully dressed in a sarong or sports bra/shorts and in the role of giving touch

- Intimate touch is given while wearing nitrile gloves

Up to an hour is included additionally to the actual massage time to allow a no rush approach, with an initial intro chat to clarify your intention for the session, showering time before/after as desired, warm-up exercises/meditation, bodywork, sufficient resting time to integrate and a closing sharing around your experience


It often takes more time for female flavoured beings to feel safe in order to be able to fully relax and let go into their pleasure

For those sisters wishing to have their body respectfully honoured, I offer this special ritual, allowing you to celebrate your eroticism with a slow, tender and gently sensual tantra massage experience

Boundaries will be clearly discussed before and during the massage where appropriate

Nudity and intimate massage are possible, but not required, in order to benefit from this experience

session duration up to 3,5hrs

350 EUR


A ceremony to explore your sacred spot for both healing & pleasure

Starting with the option of a restful bathing experience, this session allows for a long and gentle opening of the sacred centre, the PROSTATE in men or the GSPOT in women, both accessible through entering the ROSETTA


An exquisite experience
A journey into the unknown for many...
The ultimate surrender

session duration up to 3,5hrs

400 EUR


Specific techniques can be included in your session to support you in overcoming any limitations you feel you may have within your sexuality

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